Friday, February 20, 2015

DIY Nursing Cover

Are you thinking too much on what to buy or DIY for mom-to-be friend or sister or daughter for baby shower ? Here I have an easy DIY to show how you can sew a nursing cover.I made this for my friend along with Bumble bee Camera lens buddy. I made this long back in October but I did not get the right time to share this with you people as I was loaded with holiday DIYs and this would not be apt topic to fit in so I was waiting for the holiday fever to be over and now I am sharing it .Let's move on to the sewing.

Materials Required :
Printed cotton - One yard.
Contrast color fabric to the printed one - Quarter yard
Two D rings
Boning - 16"
Sewing machine or fabric glue.
Safety pin

Measurements :  
Main piece --> 44" wide X 30" length
Small strap  --> 3" X 10"
Large strap  --> 3" X 30"
Binding strip --> 1.5" X 44" (Optional)

Preparing the straps :

Step 1: Fold the small strap piece right side facing each other and sew with 1/4" seam allowance.

Step 2: Attach a safety pin on one end of the strap and insert it inside the strap and bring it to the other side to turn the strap inside out. (You can also use thread and a long stick like bamboo skewer to do this)

Step 3 : Iron the strap and make a top stitch on both the sides with 1/8" seam allowance.

Step 4: Repeat the same steps with large strap but before doing the top stitch for large strap ,push the sides of the strap towards inside to create a inverted "V" and then make a top stitch.  This inverted "V" end is just for clean look ,if it looks intimidating you just fold it and close it as you do normally.

Step 5: Take the D rings and the small strap. Cover the D rings for about an inch or so with strap ,fold the edge of the strap and make a stitch forming a square to secure the rings in place.(To do this , Make one side of square, let the needle be inside ,lift the presser foot and turn the strap. Make the another side of square and repeat the steps to complete the square )

Make binding strip and sew it to the bottom :
This is a optional step. I thought adding a red strip of binding at the bottom will give a balanced and perfect look for the nursing cover.Because ,If I use the red fabric for the straps alone I feel some details are missing at the bottom.But it is up to your taste and preferences.

Step 1: As the red fabric is only quarter yard, Cut as many 1.5" wide pieces from the quarter yard to form a 44" length strip. Attach them together with a stitch.
Step 2: Fold 0.5" inwards on both the sides of the strips and Iron.Your binding strip is now ready

Step 3: Cover the raw edges on the bottom of the nursing cover with the binding strip and pin them in place.Sew along the binding to complete the bottom.

Attaching the straps,boning and finishing the sides.

Step 1: If you have selvage (self finished edge of the fabric) on the sides you can leave it as such or you can double fold for 0.5" and sew it to finish the sides.

Step 2: Fold 0.25" from the edge of the top part and iron and then make 1" fold  and iron.This is done to create a space for inserting the boning. Pin the folding to stay in place.

Step 3: Mark the center for the length of the boning which 16" and stitch to secure the fold only for the 16" in the center.

Step 4: Insert the boning and close the opening at the ends of the boning with a perpendicular stitch to secure the boning.

Step 5: Now it is time to attach the straps. With the wrong side of the main fabric facing up, place the small strap on the left and large strap on the right. Insert the strap into the fold and make a square stitch as you did to secure the straps with D-rings. Make a additional cross in the square for extra security. 

Step 6: Finish the remaining folding on each side to complete the nursing cover.Voila !! Nursing Cover is now ready !!!

What do you think about this nursing cover? What other gift suggestions do you have for baby shower?? Is baby shower gifts are always for baby-to-be born or for mom-to-be also?? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. That's so pretty! I like the color combo! My go-to baby shower gift is a pretty blanket with the baby's name embroidered on it!

    1. Thanks so much for joining us at the #HomeMattersParty - please share us with your friends, and we hope to see you again this Friday!

    2. That's great idea Kristen :) I love personalized gifts ;) you are always Welcome :)

  2. This is really a great project! I love the lovely fabric you used! Visiting from City Creative Dreams Link Party! Thank you for sharing!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  3. This is beautiful and your directions are great. My sister is expecting, this will come in handy. Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a thoughtful gift. Gifts for baby and gifts to help mom and dad with baby are all great ideas for shower gifts.

    Life With Lorelai

  5. Your nursing cover diy turned out great! Shared...Thanks for sharing at the party @DearCreatives Hope to see you again this week!

  6. This would definitely make an awesome gift for a mom to be. Great instructions too! Thanks so much for linking up with me at Craft Therapy Thursday at P.S. I Love You Scrapbooking. The new link has been posted. I hope you will join me!

  7. If I have seen this when my daughter was still an infant, I would make one! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

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